Sunday, December 25, 2016

how to become a published artist

How To Become A Published Artist

You are now pre-qualified for the next volume of International Art Book: your key to massive international art exposure!

Every year over 3,500 top artists apply to be featured in the book, and now you can be one of them!

Each year the new volume is distributed widely to international galleries around the world, international art shows and fairs - and most importantly, world-class collectors - to help YOU sell your art work!

It's time for you to get yourself noticed!

Get maximum exposure and sell your artwork!

The new volume is open for submissions:

Click Here To Become A Published Artist

Here are 3 Reasons why it's a MUST for you to be in the book:

1. Get your artwork to buyers and collectors
We accept only artists who plan to SELL their work internationally and make serious money with it. If you are painting as a hobby and never plan to sell your work, this is not for you.

2. Become a world-recognized name
Adding a serious book to your portfolio raises your profile in the eyes of collectors and potential buyers. Over 3,500 artists can't be wrong.

3. Your ticket to the inner circle
Having started as self-made artists without rich sponsors to back us, we know how hard it is for small artists to get their work out there. All those expensive galleries, art shows, shipping and travel costs make it almost impossible for a little talented artist to get the word out.

Inspiration: Art Book is your ticket to the inner circle.

It's the jump start that you need to the world of people who make a living selling their art work.

And now the new volume is open for submissions:

Click Here To Become A Published Artist

Our book is an annual edition. Every year we collect the top 100 qualified artists, carefully and personally selected by our jury, to present their work in the book.

And today you can be one of them!

Click Here To Become A Published Artist

Get maxiumum exposure and SELL your work!

Once the book is printed, you will get your personal copy FREE (including FREE shipping internationally) and the rest of the books will be distributed to international galleries, libraries, and selected art collectors - plus digitally distributed through Amazon and other online mediums!

We FORCE YOU sell your work

When we started as individual artists we were FED UP with all those expensive galleries, art shows and fairs. The only point of them was to squeeze money dry from the beginner artists. Ridiculous application fees, hassles with shipping and handling, broken frames, destroyed and lost art work... you name it, we've seen it all. What they all concentrate on is squeezing money from the artist instead of trying to help him.

That's why our vision was materialistic but BOLD. We help artists to SELL their artwork. Our goal is transparent - we want to help you get exposure in order to sell your work. We are neither a charity  nor we are an online gallery with its only purpose to showcase your artwork to your Mom and kids. Our mission is to get you serious international exposure and connect the artists with the buyers and collectors.

That's what has made our international book so successful. Each year we receive over 3500 applications from all over the world... USA, UK, Germany, Australia, France, Portugal, Spain, Canada, even Japan and China! The list goes on and on!

Now it's your turn to take action.

Become another success story:

Click Here To Become A Published Artist

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